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An inviting, crystal clear pool is a great addition to any backyard. If a pool is left unattended for too long, it could get a striking shade of green that is anything but inviting. No one wants to dip into a green pool of unknown bacteria and murky water. But do not worry, here we will explain how to clear a green pool in five days or less.

1. Assess the Condition of the Pool

Test the Pool Water

The first step to clearing a green pool is to test the water with a pool water testing kit. This will give a sense of how much chlorine is currently in the pool or if there are other components, such as pH, that are out of whack. Knowing those details will give a better sense of how much work the pool needs and what measures will be necessary to clear the water.

Remove Debris from the Pool

The next step is to remove any leaves, dirt, or other debris that has built up in the pool. This should be done before adding anything to the pool in order to prevent any extra strain on the filter and chemicals. A hand-held net can be used to remove the debris from the surface. It is also important to remove any debris from the skimmer and pool filter.

Inspect the Filter

Another important step for clearing a green pool is to check the filter. Usually, it is a good idea to replace the filter if it has not been changed in over two years. When replacing the filter, it is important to make sure the filter is designed for that particular pool.

2. Add Shock to the Pool

Choose the Correct Chlorine

Adding shock to the pool will be a key element in getting the green out quickly. Depending on the type of pool, chlorine tablets, or granular chlorine should be added. This will not only jumpstart the pool’s chlorine levels, it will also help to kill any bacteria or algae. Make sure to add a shock that is specifically for pools that have low pH and low alkalinity levels.

Keep Up with Regular Maintenance

Having a regular maintenance routine will help keep a green pool from coming back. A routine maintenance plan may consist of brushing the walls of the pool, vacuuming the bottom of the pool, and emptying the skimmer and pool filter baskets. This should be done for around 20 minutes a day, for at least five times a week. Regularly maintaining the pool will help to keep the water clear and clean.

Run the Filter Consistently

After adding the shock, it is important to run the filter consistently. A minimum of eight to twelve hours a day is essential in effectively removing debris, bacteria, and algae from the water. If the filter is not running consistently, the pool water may become murky and not clear.

3. Have Patience

Test the Water Frequently

After doing the previous steps, patience is needed in order for the pool to actually start looking clear. Checking the pool water every other day with a pool testing kit will give more of an understanding of the pool’s current condition. The test can help identify if the chlorine levels are where they’re supposed to be, and if the pH, alkalinity, and stabilizer levels need to be adjusted.

Use Algaecide

Depending on the chlorine levels, algaecide may be necessary. Algaecide will not only kill algae, but keep it from returning. Once the algaecide is added to the pool it is still important to run the pool filter regularly in order for the pool to start becoming clear in a timely manner.

Be Cautious When Swimming

Once the pool is on its way to being clear, it may be tempting to jump right in. While it may take a full five days to clear a green pool, bacteria and other chemicals are still present and the water should be tested before swimming. This is even more important if children or pets will be swimming in the pool.


A green pool may be a daunting task to clear, but it does not have to be a long process. With some knowledge, patience, and the right chemical products, a pool can be brought back to its crystal blue state in five days or less. Getting the green out of a pool and maintaining a regular maintenance routine will help keep a pool ever-inviting and refreshing.